購物須知  Notice


✎ 關於商品

AC23.5° 的商品以” 預購為主 ”,若有現貨會在商品內容中特別標明。

本店銷售的商品有四種模式 :

  1. 中國商品
  2. 韓國代購、連線之商品
  3. 第三國特別連線之商品
  4. 特賣出清之商品


– 以上 2-3點 的銷售商品屬「客製化給付」,除瑕疵、寄錯外,不適用於消保法之規定七天鑑賞期,故 無法提供退換貨的服務

– 出清商品屬於特價狀態,為避免來回寄送、消耗人力物力,也無法提供七天鑑賞期,請您諒解。

– 本店銷售額未達每月八萬,免開統一發票。感謝支持,期許未來能盡納稅人之義務。


✎ 付款方式

· 信用卡

· 網路ATM (24小時內付款)

· 超商代碼繳費( 7-11/全家/萊爾富,24小時內付款 )



✎ 配送方式(無貨到付款)

· 超商純取件( 7-11、全家、萊爾富 ),單件NT.70,離島門市會加收40元服務費。

· 郵寄包裹 : 本島NT.80,外島NT.100

· 海外運費按重量/體積區分,由系統直接設定,詳情請參照  海外貨運

– 取貨時若包裝外觀明顯破損,請當場拒收 並請物流直接退回。

– 台灣本島: 單筆訂單滿 NT.1500 超商取貨免運費,退貨後若未達以上門檻,將扣除原先優惠及運費金額。



· 現貨在台: 工作天內3-7天收到

· 預購: 付款後開始追加

– 工廠有現貨: 追加期7-14天

– 工廠缺貨: 14天-2個月不等 ( 疫情影響 )

-商品抵台後檢查包裝依序出貨(再加 3-7天 )

→ 匯款後,若2個月仍未到貨,建議客人全額退款,若願意繼續等待,最後不幸斷貨,除退款外,將視情況予以優惠補償。

· 海外到貨時間:請參照 海外貨運


✎ About Products

ALL products in AC23.5° are available for “pre-order” only and will be specially marked if in stock.

Our store sells four types of products :

  1. Purchase from China
  2. Purchase from / Online in Korea
  3. Purchase from / Online in other country
  4. Special sale or clearance sale

ALL source would be indicated, so please feel free to purchase the products.

No.2-No.3 are “ customized order  ” , except for defective or incorrect products, the seven-day cooling-off period in the Consumer Protection Law in Taiwan is not applicable, so we cannot provide return and exchange services.

– In order to prevent the consumption of manpower and material resources when delivery, products on special sale or clearance sale could not be returned and exchanged. Please understand.

– Our sales do not reach 80,000 NTD. per month, so we are exempt from the Income Tax ( No receipt ). Thank you for your support and we hope to fulfill our taxpayer obligations in the future.


✎ Payment

· Credit Card

· ATM (in 24 hours)

· Convenience Stores code payment (7-11/Family Mart/Hi-Life in 24 hours)

–  Overseas customers could only pay by credit card.


✎ Shipping (NO cash on delivery)

· Convenience Stores (7-11/Family Mart/Hi-Life) :

– main island of Taiwan : NT.70/package.

– outlying islands : charge more NT.40 when pickup for service fee.

· Post Office :

– main island of Taiwan : NT.80/package.

– outlying islands : NT.100/package.

· Overseas shipping charges are divided by weight/volume, please read Oversea Shipping.

★ If the package is obviously damaged when you pick up, please reject it on the spot and ask the logistics to return it directly.

Main island of Taiwan :

Free shipping for single order over NT.1500 for convenience Stores pickup.

– If the returned goods do not meet the above rules, the original offer and the shipping amount would be deducted.


✎ Delivery Time ( Taiwan )

· In stock in Taiwan: Delivery takes 3-7 business days.

· Pre-order: After the payment, we would start to put in an additional order. 

– Purchasing time (in stock): 7-14 business days.

– Manufacturing time(out of stock): It would probably takes 14 days-2months because of Covid.

-The products will be checked and delivered as soon as they arrive in Taiwan (plus 3-7 days).

→ If the products do not arrive within 2 months, we suggest you apply for a full refund. If you are willing to wait, but it is unable to deliver because of force majeure factors, we would offer you a preferential treatment in different situations.

· Delivery time for oversea members:Please read Oversea Shipping.

售後服務  Return Policy


✎ 售後服務

· 為加強服務品質及簡化流程,售後服務如下:

– 一般商品 : 僅提供 ”退貨” 服務,耳針因應衛生不予以退換貨。

– 瑕疵商品 : 可退可換

– 代購、連線、特價及優惠活動商品 : 除瑕疵外,不可退換

· 台灣消費者享有鑑賞期( 簽收隔日算起七日內 ),如需退換貨,請在七日內與客服人員聯繫後,再寄出退貨包裹,以利後續處理。

– 聯繫客服: LINE , E-mail ( IG,FB易漏訊,不回復訂單問題)

– 告知訂購姓名、訂單編號、退貨商品的貨號、原因

– 客服提供收件時間及聯絡資訊、地址,自行寄送。

– 限 郵局包裹 或 超商店到店,郵資自付

– 拆開包裹後,請先確認所有商品。一筆訂單僅受理一次退貨服務,如超過退貨時間+次數,即無法受理

– 收到包裹後,會在七個工作天內處理完畢,商品無誤即開始操作退款。

· 鑑賞期不為試用期, 退貨時請保持商品全新狀態( 含紙卡、夾鏈袋…等等 ),連同退貨小卡、贈品 一併寄回,如遺失或沒附上則會酌收費用。

– 紙卡、夾鏈袋..等等可重複利用的包材 NT.20

– 贈品照當期價值為主

· 盡量原外箱寄回,或使用堅固的外包裝,以免商品寄送過程中無損。

· 訂單金額可能異動

– 若退貨後的訂單金額,未達約定活動滿額免運之門檻, 則需補收寄件運費(超商70/郵寄NT.80),於退款款項內扣除。

– 退款金額只限於商品金額,不包含當初支付的運費。

– 退貨可能導致活動資格不符,訂單的商品金額將隨之更動。

· 下列任一情形恕不接受退貨,不便之處,敬請見諒

– 超過七天鑑賞期

– 商品配件不全( 含紙卡、夾鏈袋…等等 )

– 商品寄回時,因包裝不牢固而造成商品毀損。

– 代購、連線、特價及優惠活動之商品,不接受瑕疵及寄錯商品問題外的退換貨服務。

– “耳針”屬於穿刺性商品,因應衛生考量不予以退換貨。


✎ 瑕疵判定

· 商品存在製作痕跡,無100%完美,尺寸皆由收工測量,存在誤差(1公分以內)屬於正常現象。

· 金屬刮痕 : 因製作與運送過程中無法避免摩擦與疊放,商品可能會產生細小刮痕、小凹凸點屬於正常現象。

· 925純銀 : 質地較軟,有可塑形的優點,出貨前會仔細檢查,完整寄出。不影響配戴、可恢復原狀的彎曲,不屬於瑕疵範圍。

· 色差

– 商品皆為實物拍攝,受當下光線與環境影響,圖片與實體的顏色、亮度、飽和度,可能會有些許差異。

– 各種的螢幕顯示器 與 個人理解,都有可能導致顏色上的認知不同,請以收到的商品實物為准喲!



✎ 退款方式及時間

· 信用卡付款: 原卡片退刷,作業流程預計14-21天,退刷進度請聯繫信發卡銀行。

· ATM、代碼繳費: 請在申請退貨時,一併提供”銀行名稱、代號、帳號”。(非永豐銀行帳戶需扣除跨行手續費15元)

· 每週五統一辦理退款,如遇國定假日將順延至隔週一。

· 收到包裹後,會在七個工作天內處理完畢,商品無誤即開始操作退款。




以上僅限台灣本島,海外訂單須參考 海外購物須知




✎Return Policy (in Taiwan)

· In order to enhance the quality of service and simplify the process, after-sales service is as follows:

– Common Product : Only provide “RETURN” no exchange, pierced earrings would not be returned or exchanged because of hygiene consideration.

– Defective Products : Refundable and exchangeable.

– Products purchase from Korea or other country, special sale and clearance sale : Non-returnable except for defects.

· Consumers in Taiwan have the cooling-off period (within seven days from the day after signing). If you need to return or exchange your product, please contact customer service, and then send the return package as below :

– Contact customer service : LINE , E-mail  (IG,FB miss the message easily, so we don’t respond the order problems)

– Tell us your name, the order number, the product number you want to return, and the reason for the return.

– Customer service would provide the time of receipt, contact information and address to send it back.

– You could send it by post office or convenience stores (7-11/Family Mart/Hi-Life). Postage will be paid by you.

– Please check all items after opening the package, each order could only return for one time, and it could not be returned after expiration.

– Refunds would be processed within seven working days when we get the package and make sure the product is correct.

· The cooling-off period is not a trial. Please keep the goods intact with returning card, paper cards, zipper bags, free gifts … etc. Lost or not attached could charge some  additional fees . 

– Reusable package like paper cards, zipper bags… etc. cost NT.20.

– Free gift cost different value.

· Try to send it back in the original box, or use a sturdy packaging to avoid damage during the shipping process.

· The order amount may change

– If the order amount after the return does not reach free shipping event, the shipping fee will be charged and deducted from the refund amount. (NT.70 for convenience store / NT.80 for postal service)

– The refund does not include the shipping fee when you buy.

– Returns may lose the discount, and the price would be changed accordingly.

· Any of the following cases will not be accepted for return. Please understand.

– More than seven-day cooling-off period. 

– Return are not complete ( including paper cards, zipper bags, free gift … etc. )

– The product is damaged because of poor packaging.

– Products purchase from Korea or other country, special sale and clearance sale : Non-returnable except for defects.

– Pierced earrings would not be returned or exchanged because of hygiene consideration.


✎ Determination of defects

· There is no 100% perfect in production process, and size are measured by hand. The error below 0.5 cm is normal.

· Metal Scratching :

   Due to the manufacturing and shipping process could not avoid friction and stacking, the goods may produce minor scratches, dents and bumps are normal.

· 925 Sterling Silver :

   It is soft and easy to model. We would check it carefully before shipping. Bends that do not affect the wearer and could be restored are not considered defects.

· Color difference

– The physical color, brightness, saturation might be some differences because of the current light and environment.

– Various screen monitors and personal understanding may lead to different color recognition. Please take the received product as the standard!

The above is not defective range. Please read carefully before placing an order.


✎ How to return and time

· Credit Card : The original card will be refunded and it might take 14-21 days, please contact your credit card bank for refund progress.

· ATM、Code Payment : Please give us your “Bank, Bank code, Bank account” when you apply return. ( It would cost NT.15 transaction fee if you are not SinoPac Bank accounts)

· Refunds would be processed every Friday, and would be postponed to the next Monday in case of national holidays.

· Refunds would be processed within seven working days when we get the package and make sure the product is correct.

Multiple returns and cancels would cause system automatically limits your purchase privileges.

Perhaps a physical store is more suitable for your needs.

Please cherish the ordering resources with us to avoid upset for both of us.


The above is limited to Taiwan only, overseas orders should be referred to Foreign Members Service.

Thank you for reading ~ Here provide you the NT.50 coupon ( thanku111 ). Please make sure to join the membership before use. (each member can only use once )

海外購物須知  Foreign Members Service



✎ 付款方式 : 信用卡

✎ 配送選擇 : 


其他地區-郵局EMS / 郵局普通包裹

✎ 到貨時間及價格 :

· 運費按重量/體積區分,近期因應疫期、國際情勢、石油價格..等影響,貨運價格浮動,依系統內建運費為主。

· AC23.5° 的商品以”預購為主”,若有現貨會在商品內容中特別標明。

現貨在台: 直寄收件人,抵達天數依照貨運公司公告

預購: 付款後開始追加

– 工廠有現貨: 追加期7-14天

– 工廠缺貨: 14天-2個月不等 ( 疫情影響 )


→ 匯款後,若2個月仍未到貨,建議客人全額退款,若願意繼續等待,最後不幸斷貨,除退款外,將視情況予以優惠補償。


· 各地區貨運時間參考表

✎  海外售後服務

· 因海外地區航空包裹運送費時,跨國退款作業繁複,故無法提供國外會員退換貨服務,請國外會員們見諒。

· 選購商品時,務必謹慎確認訂單內容顏色和尺寸,再進行結帳。(若完成訂單,便表示會員同意本規定)

· 海外訂單一律經過嚴格品質控管,寄出包裹前會作二次品檢確認,避免會員收到瑕疵品,請您安心購物。

· 若是寄錯、缺件等等的失誤,我們承諾補寄並承擔所有運費,很抱歉造成您的困擾。

· 完成訂單前,請確認地址是否正確。填寫不完全、無法正常配達或個人因素拒收造成退件者,該筆退回之訂單將扣除相關來回運費後,再退回原訂單餘額。

· 海外顧客收件之國家的海關可能會依商品種類及價值核訂關稅與附加費用,若海關核定需支付進口關稅,須由顧客自行支付。

· 請您在訂購前務必查明各國進口相關之規定,以免貨物遭目的國家海關拒收。

✎  退款方式及時間

  · 原卡片退刷,作業流程預計14-21天,退刷進度請聯繫信發卡銀行。海外交易手續費是否退回依各家銀行規定。






Welcome to order, please read the “Notice” before purchase.

✎ Payment : Credit Card

✎ Shipping :

HK、MO、China – SF-Express

Other region – postal EMS / postal standard

✎ Arrival time and price :

· Weight and volume would cost different fee, and it would also affect by epidemic, war, oil price…etc.  All of them will affect the price. Charges are based on system settings.

· ALL products in AC23.5° are available for “pre-order” only and will be specially marked if in stock.

In stock in Taiwan: Send immediately.Arrival days according to shipping company and destination.

Pre-order: After the payment, we would start to put in an additional order. 

– Purchasing time (in stock): 7-14 business days.

– Manufacturing time(out of stock): It would probably takes 14 days-2months because of Covid.

– The products will be checked and delivered as soon as they arrive in Taiwan. Arrival days according to shipping company and destination.

→ If the products do not arrive within 2 months, we suggest you apply for a full refund. If you are willing to wait, but it is unable to deliver because of force majeure factors, we would offer you a preferential treatment in different situations.

· Shipping time reference

✎  Oversea Return Policy

· Due to the complicated process of cross-country refunds, we are unable to provide return and exchange services for foreign members. Please understand.

· Please check the color and size of your order before checkout. 

· Overseas orders are subject to strict quality control, and double check before shipping. We’ll do our best prevent members from receiving defective products. 

· If there is a mistake in shipping, missing items, etc., we promise to reship the item and cover all shipping costs. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

· Before completing your order, please make sure your address is correct. If the order is returned due to incomplete filling or personal factors, the balance of the original order will be refunded after deducting the return shipping cost.

· The customs of the receiving country may charge customs duties and taxes, and any additional costs incurred will be paid by the customer.

· Please check the import regulations of each country before ordering to avoid rejection of the product by the customs of the destination country.

· By completing an order, the member agrees to these policy

✎  How to return and time

  · Credit Card : The original card will be refunded and it might take 14-21 days, please contact your credit card bank for refund progress. It depends on each bank whether the overseas transaction fee is refundable or not.

Multiple returns and cancels would cause system automatically limits your purchase privileges.

Perhaps a physical store is more suitable for your needs.

Please cherish the ordering resources with us to avoid upset for both of us.

Thank you for reading ~ Here provide you the NT.50 coupon ( thankful111 ). Please make sure to join the membership before use. (each member can only use once )

海外貨運 Oversea Shipping

中港澳 HK/MO/CN

亞州 Asia

大洋洲 Oceania

美加英 US/CA/UK

中南美 Central and South America

歐洲 Europe

會員福利 Member Weal


✎回饋金 Bonus Points

· 回饋金為會員專屬。新會員註冊即可獲得100點回饋金,生日再加碼100點。

· 1 點=1 NTD, 1 : 1 折抵

· 每消費150元=5點回饋金,可於下次消費時折抵。

· 訂單滿1000元時才可使用回饋金,折抵金額無上限。

· 折扣商品無法使用回饋金。

· 使用效期為 365天,過期後將重新計算。無法轉讓,僅限個人使用。

· 訂單取消或退款時,將扣除該筆訂單所獲得的回饋金。

· 使用回饋金的訂單取消或退款時,將會歸還折抵的點數。

· 回饋金與優惠券可以疊加使用

· 使用回饋金或優惠券的訂單,全金額依然可以獲得回饋金。(例如:整筆訂單1500,折扣300元,但回饋依然以1500計算,即完成訂單可獲得1500/150=10點。)






✎Bonus Points

· Bonus points are exclusive to members. New members will receive 100 points for signing up and an additional 100 points on your birthday.

· 1 Point=1 NT$ (TWD)

· For each 150 NT$ (TWD) assign 5 Points, and you could use on the next purchase.

· The points could only be used when the order is over $1,000, and there is no maximum amount of discount.

· Discounted items could not be used for points.

· It would reach the expiration date and recalculate after 365 days. It can not be transferred and is for personal use only.

· When an order is cancelled or refunded, the amount of feedback received for that order will be deducted.

· Bonus points will be refunded when an order with rebate is cancelled or refunded.

· Points and coupons can be used together.

· Orders with points or coupons will still gain rebates.(For example: the whole order $1500, discount $300, but the feedback is still calculated by $1500, means 1500/150 = 10 points.)


A letter will be sent to customers as soon as the bonus points are updated, and a reminder will be sent 7 days before the due date.

You could check your points at ”My Account”.

尺寸指南  Size Guide

保養方式  Storage Method


• 環境


– 汗水、空氣、場所(溫泉/泳池…等等)

– 化學品(香水/化妝品/清潔劑…等等)

→ 飾品接觸後,容易因此氧化變色,請注意存放和保養。無須戴時,放入夾鏈袋密封保存,可以減緩氧化的速度。

• 材質

→ 925純銀質地較軟,開口戒可稍微調整尺寸與塑形,耳針則須避免外力碰撞。

→ 合金的氧化速度,會隨著鍍層厚度、配戴習慣而影響。氧化後便無法恢復原狀,因此配戴後請簡單清洗風乾,盡快放入夾鏈袋。

• 拭銀布

– 僅適用於 白金色與銀色 的純銀飾品,玫瑰金與K金不得使用,避免將保色層刮壞,建議簡單清潔後,直接夾鏈袋保存即可。

– 使用後會漸漸變黑、清潔效果下降,屬正常現象,請更換新布使用。下水清洗會使藥水失效,失去拭銀效果。


• Environment

Avoiding to contact : 

– Sweat, air, specific places (hot springs/pools… etc.)

– Chemicals (perfumes/cosmetics/cleaners…etc.)

→ After contact with the accessories, they will be easily oxidized, so please storage and maintenance them carefully. When you are not wearing it, put it in a zipper bag to slow down the oxidation.

• Materials

→ Sterling silver (925) is soft. The opening ring can be adjusted slightly for size and shape, while the earrings must avoid bending due to collision.

→ The oxidation of the alloy will be affected by the thickness of the plating and wearing habits. After oxidation, it cannot be restored, so please wash and dry it after wearing, and put it into the zipper bag as soon as possible.

• Silver Polishing Cloth

– Only use on sterling silver in white gold and silver. Rose gold and yellow gold should not be used to avoid scratching the colored plating, you could simply clean it after wearing and store it in a zipper bag.

Silver polishing cloth is normal to become darker after use while the cleaning effect decreases. Washing it will just lose the effect of silver swabbing. Please replace a new one.

商品包裝  Package





品牌飾品PU袋 $NT. 50

提袋 $NT. 50


Each order will have the following items:

Paper box, thank you card, return card, product, free silver test cloth with purchase of silver jewelry

Can be added:

Accessories PU Bag $NT. 50

Paper Carry Bag $NT. 50





You could add more as a gift!




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客服時間 :週一至週五9AM-6PM,周末及國定假日固定公休




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Service Hours :
Mon-Fri 9am-6pm (GMT+8)
Rest on weekends and national holidays.

隱私權政策  Privacy-policy





• 當您造訪本網站或使用本網站所提供之功能服務時,我們將視該服務功能性質,請您提供必.    要的個人資料,並在該特定目的範圍內處理及利用您的個人資料;非經您書面同意,本網站不會將個人資料用於其他用途。
• 本網站在您使用服務信箱、問卷調查等互動性功能時,會保留您所提供的姓名、電子郵件地址、聯絡方式及使用時間等。
• 於一般瀏覽時,伺服器會自行記錄相關行徑,包括您使用連線設備的 IP 位址、使用時間、使用的瀏覽器、瀏覽及點選資料記錄等,做為我們增進網站服務的參考依據,此記錄為內部應用,決不對外公佈。
• 為提供精確的服務,我們會將收集的問卷調查內容進行統計與分析,分析結果之統計數據或說明文字呈現,除供內部研究外,我們會視需要公佈統計數據及說明文字,但不涉及特定個人之資料。
• 您可以隨時向我們提出請求,以更正或刪除本網站所蒐集您錯誤或不完整的個人資料。


• 本網站主機均設有防火牆、防毒系統等相關的各項資訊安全設備及必要的安全防護措施,加以保護網站及您的個人資料採用嚴格的保護措施,只由經過授權的人員才能接觸您的個人資料,相關處理人員皆簽有保密合約,如有違反保密義務者,將會受到相關的法律處分。
• 如因業務需要有必要委託其他單位提供服務時,本網站亦會嚴格要求其遵守保密義務,並且採取必要檢查程序以確定其將確實遵守。




• 經由您書面同意。
• 法律明文規定。
• 為免除您生命、身體、自由或財產上之危險。
• 與公務機關或學術研究機構合作,基於公共利益為統計或學術研究而有必要,且資料經過提供者處理或蒐集者依其揭露方式無從識別特定之當事人。
• 當您在網站的行為,違反服務條款或可能損害或妨礙網站與其他使用者權益或導致任何人遭受損害時,經網站管理單位研析揭露您的個人資料是為了辨識、聯絡或採取法律行動所必要者。
• 有利於您的權益。
• 本網站委託廠商協助蒐集、處理或利用您的個人資料時,將對委外廠商或個人善盡監督管理之責。

六、Cookie 之使用

為了提供您最佳的服務,本網站會在您的電腦中放置並取用我們的 Cookie,若您不願接受 Cookie 的寫入,您可在您使用的瀏覽器功能項中設定隱私權等級為高,即可拒絕 Cookie 的寫入,但可能會導致網站某些功能無法正常執行 。




Who We Are

At AC23.5°, we are committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of all visitors to our web site. In particular, we want you to know that AC23.5° is not in the business of selling, renting or trading email lists with other companies and businesses for marketing purposes. 
In this Privacy Policy, we’ve provided detailed information on when and why we collect personal information, how we use it, the limited conditions under which we may disclose it to others, and how we keep it secure. 
We take your privacy seriously and take measures to provide all visitors and users of AC23.5° with a safe and secure environment.

  • · Cookies 
    AC23.5° may set and access AC23.5° cookies on your computer.  Cookies are used to provide our system with the basic information to provide the services you are requesting.  Cookies can be cleared at any time from your internet browser settings. 


  • · Google Analytics
    When someone visits AC23.5° we use a third party service, Google Analytics, to collect standard internet log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns. We do this to track things such as the number of visitors to the various parts of the site and interactions with the site. This information is processed in a way which does not identify anyone. We do not make, and do not allow Google to make, any attempt to find out the identities of visitors to our website. 


  • · Third Parties
    There may be some circumstances where your IP address, geographic location, and other browser related details may be shared with third party companies.  We may share your above mentioned data with following third party companies from time to time.


  • · Access to Your Personal Information
    You are entitled to view, amend, or delete the personal information that we hold. Email your request to our data protection officer [YOUR FIRST NAME] at [EMAIL ADDRESS] and we will work with you to remove any of your personal data we may have.


  • · Changes to Our Privacy Policy
    We may make changes to our Privacy Policy in the future, however, the most current version of the policy will govern our processing of your personal data and will always be available to you.
    If we make a change to this policy that, in our sole discretion, is material, we will notify you by an update or email, where possible. By continuing to access or use our services, you agree to be bound to the terms of our Privacy Policy.